Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire for the DSM IV 


The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire - Version 4 is widely used  to screen for the presence personality disorders.

(DSM IV and DSM 5)


The test is available in a paper-based format. 

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About the PDQ-4

 Personality test

Get the Advanced PDQ-4 test
Learn about the ePDQ-4

The PDQ-4 and its predecessors have enjoyed considerable success. Over a hundred articles have been published on the PDQ-R , PDQ-III, PDQ-III-R and the PDQ-4. See references on side bar.

The popularity of the test is rapidly growing and it is now  used in over 25 countries world wide. Practitioners in the U.S., UK and Canada are its primary users.

The test consists of 99 True/False questions that are followed-up with clinical severity screen if necessary.






The Official PDQ-4  website                                                            

 A Leading Personality Disorder Screening Tool  

Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire for the DSM IV and DSM 5


Your Stimulus Sensitivity and Best Careers

Try the Stimulus Sensitivity test

Everyone perceives the environment a bit differently.

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New you will also get feedback  on how to better relate to others.
